Help:Monitoring Data Quality


WeRelate allows you to check for possible errors in your data by visiting the Data Quality Issues page.


Description and definitions

  • Data quality issues are identified by a job that runs periodically. The Data Quality Issues page shows the results from the last time the job was run. The run date/time, which reflects Greenwich Mean Time (UTC), is displayed at the top of the page. Note that the data may be a few hours older than the run date/time due to the way the processing is done.
  • You cannot request a real-time issue check. If you just added or changed some data, you'll have to wait for the next run to check for issues.
  • Issues may be:
    • Anomalies - situations that are unusual enough to warrant review but might be correct, such as a person who married at age 6 or a person who was born before their parents were married
    • Errors - situations that are not correct, such as a person who married after they died, or a person who was born before a parent was born
    • Incomplete data - situations where minimal data about a person, such as gender, is missing
  • Note
    • Situations where sources are missing or incomplete might be added to this list in the future (or possibly a separate list)

Interacting with the list

Click the links on the list to see and correct issues. In addition to that, you can:

  • Mark an anomaly as verified by clicking the "Verified by me" button. This means that you have reviewed the situation and determined that the data is correct - for example, that a person was truly born before their biological parents married.
    • Before marking an issue as verified, ensure that the page (or a related page, such as the family page) has the sources that prove the information to be correct.
    • When you select the "Verified by me" button, a template is added to the Talk page of the indicated Person or Family page (the Talk page will be automatically created if it doesn't already exist). This template identifies you and the date you clicked the "Verified by me" button.
  • Defer an issue by clicking the "Defer" button. This allows you to track issues that you are not prepared to address just yet or maybe ever.
    • For example:
      • Maybe you are working on your own project but choose to clean up a few issues each day, and are looking for "low-hanging fruit" such as simple date typos. You might want to defer larger problems such as a page that conflates 2 individuals until you are prepared to devote the time required for the necessary research.
      • Maybe you need to ask a family member for the correct data and are waiting for a reply.
      • Maybe you don't have the necessary expertise or access to sources to resolve the issue.
    • When you select the "Defer" button, a template is added to the Talk page of the indicated Person or Family page (the Talk page will be automatically created if it doesn't already exist). You will have an opportunity to add a comment (e.g., "conflated persons", "waiting for a reply"). The template identifies you and the date you clicked the "Defer" button, and includes the comment.

Filtering the list

When you first open the Data Quality Issues page, the list reflects the entire database, except for anomalies that have been verified. You can filter the list by category and/or choose to include verified anomalies. If you are signed in, you can restrict the list as follows:

  • If you've created one or more MyTrees, use the MyTrees dropdown to select a MyTree
  • Select "Watched only" or "Unwatched only", depending on your interest

List order

The list is in alphabetical order: Person pages by last name, first name followed by Family pages by page title. It is possible that the order of family pages will be changed in the future.