

Welcome to the Sandbox for WeRelate.org. This site is for experimenting with WeRelate without impacting the main site.

This is a separate site from the main WeRelate site and uses separate user accounts. It has most (but not all) of the functionality of the main site. In particular:

  • You can create your own account but won't be able to use it for much (including editing) without getting it manually activated. Instead, use one of the existing test accounts listed below.
  • If you wish to try out a GEDCOM upload, you will need support to get it processed. Use one of the test accounts listed below that does not already have a GEDCOM in Uploader review status (see Special:Gedcoms and look for the account name near the end of each line). Once you have clicked Import GEDCOM, contact the support person identified below to get it processed.
  • Email functionality is not operational, so you won't get any notifications (nor will anyone else, so don't expect a response if you post to someone's Sandbox Talk page).
  • Many headings and instructions are missing - you might see something like <edithelptext> instead of instructions. If you need help/instructions, go to the main site.
  • Most reference pages such as sources, places, templates and help are missing - they won't show up in searches and you'll see red links where they are referenced.

Support for this site (processing GEDCOMs, activating new accounts if necessary) is provided by DataAnalyst. Leave a message on her Talk page (on the main WeRelate site) if you want help or have a question about the Sandbox.

Test accounts

accountp wordfunctionality
Test Accounttestspacesstandard
TestFrfrenchlanguage preference set to French: displays dates and some menu options in French

Note: The Sandbox is also used to test coding changes and will break on occasion - you'll know because you won't see anything. This is usually fixed within a few minutes, so just be patient and try again. Existing Person and Family pages may have deliberate errors to support testing - please don't fix them.