Help:Conventions/Person page title


Quick reference

The person page title is formatted as "Person:Firstname Lastname (index number)", based on the person's primary name. It never includes middle name/initial, prefixes (such as Dr or Capt) or suffixes (such as Jr). The index number is automatically generated by WeRelate, and should never be entered manually when renaming a page.

Further information

In a wiki environment, each page title must be unique. Therefore, a WeRelate person page title has three parts:

  • the wiki namespace, in this case Person: to differentiate it from other spaces on the wiki, such as Family:, Place: or Help:.
  • the primary name of the person in Firstname Lastname order. See person name conventions regarding what to use as the primary name.
  • the index number, a number automatically generated by WeRelate to distinguish, for example, one John Smith from another.

WeRelate automatically creates the page title (including the unique index number) when you add a person page, based on the name you use when you add the person. If you change the primary name on a person page, you should rename the page accordingly, following the rules given under Quick reference above.

The Wikipedia Exception

If a person with a Wikipedia page does not have a conventional surname (for example, the person predates the use of hereditary surnames or is a member of the nobility), the Person page title at WeRelate should match the title of the Wikipedia page. Some judgment may be used in adding distinguishing elements to the page title, such as WeRelate's Edward VII of the United Kingdom instead of Wikipedia's Edward VII.

If the default page title (less the unique number) does not match the Wikipedia page title, rename it.